Billing information

Dear partner! We are using electronic processing for receiving e-invoices. Our e-invoice operator is Open Text.

Company information E-invoice information
Name  Business ID E-invoice address*) Operator address Operator 
Lautex Oy 2269683-8 003722696838 003708599126 Open Text

*) Our e-invoice address is the same as our OVT code. In Finland, the OVT code is formed as follows: country code '0037' + Business ID without hyphen + optional unit identifier (max 5 characters).

Please use the above-mentioned e-invoice address and intermediary code for invoice routing.

We hope to receive e-invoices from you in the future as well.

PDF-invoices should be sent to:

If there is a need to send a paper invoice, please send it to the following address:

Lautex Oy
PL 187