Several basic facts prove that metal suspended ceilings are environmentally friendly and lasting products. All our products are produced from non-toxic natural materials (aluminium and steel) in a very carefully controlled process, during which all wastage material is collected and delivered for recycling.
LAUTEX metal ceilings protect the environment not only by the use of the specified materials, but also because of the extremely long product life cycle. When ceilings made from other materials have to be renewed due to colourchanges etc. every five to ten years, Lautex metal ceilings do not exhibit any appearance changes for at least a generation. Because they are easy to maintain and clean, Lautex metal ceilings continue to appear like new after years of use, and do not require new investments why valuable resources can be used elsewhere when the building has to be repaired. In the rare event that the metal ceiling has to be removed, then waste will not be a problem because almost 100 % of the material can be recycled.
In addition LAUTEX ceilings also guarantee clean air and environment in the room because of the construction and material features. There will be no fibre or other emissions from the product itself. This feature helps to keep the room air comfortable and clean.